About My Programs


The foundations of my programs are based on the research and principles of my book Complete Fertility Solutions for Natural Fertility and Improving IVF Success Everyone Should KnowMy programs provide you with practical steps to put into action in order to create a better outcome. Not everyone can travel to see Dr. Lane or perhaps you live in area where there is not access to the information and tools you need. Complete Fertility Programs were designed by Dr. Lane to improve your ability to conceive naturally and improve IVF and IUI success through well-researched and effective tools and solutions. Get key information and strategies needed to put you on the road to success. These programs address male and female components and can be used in cooperation with IVF and IUI cycles, as well as, enhancing natural fertility.

Do you feel like something is missing in preparing your body to be fertile and get pregnant? Have you had unsuccessful IVF cycles already? Do you need to reduce your FSH and LH levels to be considered a candidate for IVF or to conceive naturally with your own eggs? Have you not been successful in natural conception but not sure what else to try? Are you at a loss as what else to do? Do you feel confused, tired, depleted and hopeless? Well, there really is hope so please don’t give up just yet. I have seen women and couples in my practice has lost hope and were able to turn things around.


Complete Fertility Programs is just what you need to improve your success.


  • Perfect for anyone trying to conceive
  • Female and Male programs that include a 5-point methodology to increase your chances of pregnancy success
  • Includes female and male specific diets, supplements, stress and lifestyle support and ear (auricular) acupressure to enhance overall fertility
  • Gain control and take charge of your fertility
  • Empower yourself with an organized program that anyone can follow

One key factor for success is preparing both the female and male sides of the equation. Did you know that in 40% of unexplained infertility cases male factor is a contributor and is solely responsible in 30% of cases? To really be successful you need to prepare the woman AND the man’s body. It takes two to have a baby. It also takes both partners to prepare as well.

Additionally, I find when you have struggles to get pregnant and have not been successful it can leave a trail of emotional stress and loss. Clearing emotions is also an essential part of preparing to conceive. Transforming your emotions to clear self-blame and doubt further elevates your mood, physiology and creates a smoother journey. Complete Fertility Programs give you all the tools necessary that lead to success.

There really is hope so please don’t give up just yet.

I have created a unique program that address the female and male side of the equation while giving you tools to transform emotions and restore hope and a sense of well-being.  My 3-part program (Male +Female + Transform Emotions = Possibilities) includes a female and male specific 5-point methodology to increase your chances of pregnancy success. The programs are comprehensive, user friendly and cover all the necessary areas to be addressed to improve your odds whether you are trying to get pregnant naturally or with ART.

It you want to get pregnant and learn more about Complete Fertility Programs click here.

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