The answer to the is question maybe “yes.” There may be genetic factors that might contribute to infertility although we can not say it is the sole reason. One such genetic issues involves Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) methylation mutations.
MTHFR is an important enzyme that coverts folate or folic acid to it’s active form. It is critical because it fuels a metabolic pathway called methylation that is involved with cardiovascular disease, neurotransmitter production, hormone regulation, metabolism, fertility and more. Polymorphisms (mutations) of this enzyme can disrupt the metabolism of homocysteine, resulting in its accumulation as well as impaired methylation. The presence of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can increase risk of cardiovascular disease, blood vessel damage, thrombosis (blood clots), stroke, and degenerative aging, depression and cause increased risk of fetal mutations and miscarriage.
In addition, this mutation can be linked to infertility, mood disorders, hormone imbalances, and fatigue. It is estimated that 50% of the population has this mutation. There are degrees of severity of the mutation that can have an immense impact on your health and wellbeing. Testing for this mutation helps shape your current health strategies and gives you the knowledge to prevent health issues as you age.